We tend to focus on things that need to be done instead of mistakes to be avoided. Today, you are going to find out what the 6 things are you should avoid if you want to get better after in the gym.
When you start a training program, you can run into several issues that all impede progress. The main issue being that you overtrain. This may sound absurd, but it is more rare that people overtrain than undertrain when they actually start exercising
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1. Thou shalt have a goal If you’re coming in the gym not knowing what you’re going to do and why, then you’re losing 50% of the benefits. I recognise you have taken the hardest step which is to simply show up.
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I was looking at a meathead at the gym today. Great physique, very muscular and lean. A thought crossed my mind : “Damn that must have taken a long time and hard work. » He really does looks like a meathead. His lower
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