Tout est dans le nom. Un poids est posé à terre, et il faut le soulever. C’est le seul soulevé qui débute avec un phase concentrique. En squat et en développé couché il y a une phase de descente du poids (dite excentrique) suivie d’une phase concentrique.
There are several principes one has to follow in order to be proficient in lifting weights, or getting stronger. This is relevant to gymnastics training, bodyweight training, olympic weightlifting, powerlifting, and if you are natural, Bodybuilding.
One of those principes is Rest, or super compensation. Today we are going to look at a specific way you can super compensate a training cycle by integrating what is called a De-Load phase
Can’t seem to find the perfect number of sets and reps for your goals? That’s because there are several, and here’s what they are…
I heard about this about 4 years ago, and to be quite honest I had no clue what it meant. I UNDERSTOOD what it meant, tried to apply it, consistently, but never really got it. I thought it was a magic trick
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I was looking at a meathead at the gym today. Great physique, very muscular and lean. A thought crossed my mind : “Damn that must have taken a long time and hard work. » He really does looks like a meathead. His lower
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Here it is. The most fought over of them all, the deadlift! The fight has been going on for while now between conventional and sumo lifters. Conventional lifters see all the sumo dead lifters in competition lift more than them and call
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I will write a series of articles on powerlifting, and my take on the lifts and methods to get stronger in the three movements : The Squat, The Bench Press and the Deadlift. I know i know… there have been thousands of
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