Hi there! This is a short account of what my experience of a flotation tank was like. I have been meditating regularly for a few years now, and I have been wanting to make my practise deeper. I tampered with deep trances
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You’ve been wanting to practice meditation for years now. You’re hearing more and more about how absolutely incredible it is for your mind, how it helps prevent illnesses due to chronic stress, such as heart disease and cancer….. and you still haven’t
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“What gets measured gets improved” – Peter Druker When it comes to knowing what works and what doesn’t, nothing beats data. And if you own a smartphone, it has rarely ever been so easy to keep track of what you do. Here
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“No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it is not the same river and he’s not the same man.” Heraclitus As a human being, you change. Hour by hour, day by day, year by year. You don’t have the
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So before I start saying something you already know, which is « you should sleep more », I must explain why this article means so much to me, and how I’m going to approach this sleeping question. Here’s what happens when you read advice
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Yep, that is my attempt at what some call the downward dog, and others the stiff legged bear… Yep, I’m not the most flexible guy on the planet, but I am getting much much better every single year. We’ve all heard it
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Hey! So by now you must have read the basics on how to eat and how to train and I imagine you just can’t wait to get started…. Right? No? Oh…. Well, here’s an article on how to get things done and
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This is a long article, I have highlighted the important information, so if you are impatient you can reap 80% of the results by following what has been highlighted. The holy grail myth…. If you are reading this article then you are
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It’s 2017, HAPPY NEW YEAR!! My resolution was to start this blog and share what I’ve have learnt, and what I am currently learning. And for some of you, one of your resolutions might have been to start exercising…. So here is my
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