I was going to write this article and splash nearly every sentence with the word « usually ». I decided I would not to avoid repetition, but would like to inform you I sometimes eat differently, especially on weekends.
When I tell people what I do for a living, I more often than not get asked how to lose weight. I then explain that nutrition is the key and that my take on the subject is quite simple :
« Lots of meat and vegetables, very little carbs except close to workouts, and a bit before bed if you are lean. »
But people don’t seem to either believe me or just can’t comprehend how they should eat. Like they are lost and no longer have any options left in life, and that this is too hard to do….
So today, I am going to explain very clearly what I eat on a typical day I have a training session.
Days I don’t exercise, I just don’t have the Pre-workout, During-Workout and Post-Workout intakes. Just subtract and it should be helpful.
6:30 am
I have 1 large glass of filtered water upon waking.
Food :
- 1,5 mugs of Buttered Coffee, which is :
- 5 maxed out table spoons of Organic Guatemalan Coffee into a French Press.
- I then use 33cl of water I filtered in a Brita filtering Jug. I boil it, then count 30 seconds so it goes down to about 95°C, and slowly pour it over the coffee. And let the coffee bro for a minimum of 5 minutes.
- I press and pour in a blender in which I add A thick slice of butter (about 15-20g), I blend it for 20seconds at the minimum speed.
- 100g of Bacon, slow cooked in a pan with about half a teaspoon of butter.
- A handful of nuts ( usually either almonds, hazelnuts, cashew nuts, brazil nuts, or a mix).
Supplements :
- 2 caps of Growth Factor.
- 1 Multivitamin ( During two 30-day periods at the end of autumn and the end of spring).
- 2500 mcg of Vitamin B12.
I usually work out at 11 am or 2:30pm. In either case I do not eat before my workout. If I do my performance tends to suffer. THIS MIGHT NOT BE TRUE FOR YOU. But it is for me.
I eat the same in either case, the only difference is the number of coffees I have between my breakfast and the workout. I usually have one double expresso. I sometimes have two, but that is because I’m getting REALLY hungry, and it helps get past that feeling.
Peri Training Intakes :
Pre-workout (10:15am or 1:45pm):
- 1 capsule of Kik 45 minutes prior to my workout
During the workout (11am or 2:30pm):
- 1 coffee during my warmup sets
- 1 litre of filtered water mixed with 3 scoops of IBCCAs
Post-workout (11:45 or 3:30pm) :
- 2 scoops of chocolate whey protein
- 1 scoop of maltodextrin : I did have this in my shake before I lost the extra layer f fat around my midsection. This is for accelerated muscle growth, not fat loss. If you want to lose weight, just put the WHEY in.
- 30cl of water
Lunch / Post workout meal :
1h to 1h30 after the training session

Meal :
- 200g of meat (red meat, pork, chicken, fish…)
- 1/2 plate of vegetables (zucchini, eggplant, tomatoes, carrots, broccoli…. check my instagram for examples)
- 2 or 3 different herbs
- a source of fats. If its a salad I usually use olive oil, if the vegetables are cooked I use butter).
Supplements :
- 2 capsules of krill oil
- 1 capsule of Omega 3 fatty acids
Snack :
4 or 5 pm – This is only if I have Lunch early and Dinner late

- 2 to 4 squares of dark chocolate (over 85% pure)
- A handful of nuts
Dinner :
8:30 pm or 10 pm – I have more cabs than I used to because I have gotten leaner. It used to be like Lunch.

Meal :
- 200g of meat
- 1/2 plate of vegetables
- 2 or 3 different herbs
- fats (olive oil or butter)
- 100g-150g of rice or 125-175g lentil pasta
Supplements :
- 2 capsules of krill oil
- 1 capsule of Omega 3 fat acids
- 1 capsule of Magnesium-Zinc
If I feel like it : 2 squares of dark chocolate for dessert
Yep thats a lot of chocolate for a day! But I love it and I’m getting leaner and stronger.
I have found a balance that allows me to get leaner, stronger, put on some muscle mass and works with my biological rhythm, my tastes and my weird schedule. If you need some help with your weight-loss, please contact me at morgan@theslowmethod.com and tell me your story. I’ll be happy to help.
Take it easy.